I started my journey of self-discovery when I was 21 and landed at the Osho Meditation Centre in Pune, India. Wow! I had no idea what world I had just entered, immersing myself in daily meditation classes and heart-opening workshops. Understanding the many layers of being human and the connection between mind, body and spirit. I was given a Sanskrit name, Sonika, meaning ‘Golden’ and I loved it! It resonated with me so deeply that when I came back home, I changed it legally. It symbolised for me a path forward of self-discovery into who I am. I was beginning a new story and a whole ‘new book’!

I first discovered Yoga when I was 25, after returning back to the gym after years of travel (and living a not a particularly healthy lifelstyle) I started to become very sore and tight in my muscles. I took myself off to my first yoga class, coffee in hand, munching down a piece of toast before class. After that first class I felt a sense release in my entire physical body. But it was this lingering feeling of calmness, joy and expoansion that kept me coming back class after class. I Ifell in love with this practice and a year later I had signed up to do a two-month teacher training in Bali.

I came back and started teaching which led me onto further studies at Nature care College and completed an Advanced Diploma in Yoga Studies. I have since had the pleasure of sharing this practice with children, teenagers and adults of all ages and lifestyles. And have continued my learning into Yoga Therapy, Meditation and Breathwork.

I have been practicing and teaching yoga for over twenty years now. It is a part of who I am. Yoga means to ‘yuj’ or unite or join. The universal union of body, mind and nature. It has kept my physical body healthy and balanced, and given me clarity of mind. It has created a space that I can go to and come back to stillness, lightness and joy. In essence brings me into my true authentic self. Which at its core for every one of us is Love.

Yoga has supported me through the birth of my daughter, the separation of relationships, guided me and taught me to listen to my heart and intuition. When life presents struggles and hardships this is when the breakthroughs happen, and my practice has supported and kept me grounded in those challenging times. The practice of yoga is a moving meditation and reflects to me where I am in that particular moment which creates a space for change and expansion. For me, it is the practice of self-awareness which transpires into my daily life.