Since I have been teaching Yoga, I have been of service to people individually, teaching the practice of yoga privately in their homes. This has been a love of mine since I began teaching to guide clients through their own personal journey with the practice. I love teaching one on one as I can see the change and growth with clients on a week-to-week basis. I love being able to support them and adapt the yoga practice to suit them and tailor it to their specific needs and goals.

One on One is perfect for anyone. Whether you are a seasoned yogi and are looking to go deeper into the practice and would like some guidance or a ‘tune-up’. Or you may be completely new to Yoga and would like to work through a beginner’s program to get you comfortable with the practice. Whatever your needs are Yoga can help to support you mentally, physically and on an energetic level.


Benefits of one on one:

  • Individual attention to your specific needs
  • Supports your physical limitations and injuries
  • Supports your mental health and creates more clarity of mind
  • Supports hormonal health
  • Increases flexibility and mobility of the joints and muscles
  • Improves digestive health
  • Helps with correcting postural issues
  • Increase self awareness
  • Learn how to quiet the mind and combat restlessness
  • Learn how to breathe properly
  • Learn yoga and breathing tools to use in your daily life


Sonika offers private one on one Yoga and or Breathwork sessions in the comfort of your own home, or in her private studio.